For your horse to have the best possible trim, we all have to work together as a team. Please look over what I have listed below so we can plan for success!

Your Trimming Appointment: 

* I need you to be there and be present for our first appointment. That could mean different things for different horses.  Your horse will let us know, what works. I ask that you are open to my suggestions to make it more comfortable for us and ultimately keeps me safe. If it is determined that you are not needed to be at future appointments, I will let you know.

*If your horse has struggled in the past or has had behavioral issues, please let me know at the time of our first conversation.  If your horse has had an injury of some sort since I last trimmed, let me know. 

*I might give you homework.  If your horse is struggling to stand for whatever reason, I will provide you with suggestions to help the trim go more smoothly for next time. Please know that I am looking out for everyone in this situation, I am not judging.

*Please be ready for the appointment. Have your horse caught and cleaned up ready to go.  I don't mean prepare them for a show, I simply ask you pick out their feet.  

*I am looking for a safe environment that has shade protection to trim under.  When and if it rains, I ask that you clean your horse up before I arrive.  Wet and muddy feet and legs destroy the tools and it's just not optimal for safety.

*My job is dangerous as I am working under a 1000 pound animal that has a fight or flight instinct.  It isn't natural for them to want to give up their foot to be held in the air. Holding up a foot takes practice. That practice is your responsibility. I have plenty of suggestions to help you out with, but training and trimming the horse isn't the job.  If you would like it to be, let me know, and realize that the rate will change to reflect both.

*Not all horses are capable to hold a foot up for the amount of time that it takes for a trim.  I understand this. I do work with your horse on this and have accommodations that I can provide. Using a grinder to trim will allow me to work much faster and it might be the best option for your horse. But, it is your job as their caretaker to make sure that they are not in pain for the trim, your vet can help you with that. 

*The initial visit and other even visits could take more time because the hoof doesn't exist in isolation.  Exercise, living environment, nutrition, history are all important factors.  We will discuss this at our first visit.  I will also take photos and videos prior to trim to track progress. This will take a bit longer that other visits. I do charge $90 for this initial consultation/trim.  If the time goes even longer, I might increase that price based on the time spent.

*Trim prices start at $75. There might be factors that impact that price and I have discussed some here. I would say the most common is that the horse can't stand for the trim. The price will increase to reflect the additional time I spent to trim your horse. Normally, I schedule each trim to be about an hour.  Using the grinder for a trim will decrease this time significantly. 

*Larger horses that are considered draft sizes, trimming prices start at $100.  

*Payment is due at the time of the trim unless we have made arrangements for payment later that day.

*Finally, you stuck around to read this, I start each day with a goal to do my best for each horse I encounter that day.  I always want to put forth my best trim. Sometimes, it's just not in the cards that day.  Everyone has bad days, and horses can too. Whatever the reason might be for the horse to not stand its best for the trim, they get what they are able to stand for. Please know that I will always ensure specific points of the trim is addressed.